Featured on the Growing Good podcast


I brushed off the dirt from my suburban garden and found a spot to talk that wasn’t too loud with birdsong and lawnmowers. Lisa Munniksma called from Wisconsin before leaving for Minnesota and then Alaska. She was the editor-in-chief at Urban Farm magazine when I wrote feature articles for them years ago. She has since been working and farming around the world and hosting this brilliant podcast (I listen to it while gardening and farming), available wherever you get your podcasts. Hers is the book I want to read (although she hasn’t written it yet). Instead, she gave me a generous and extended opportunity to tell you about my journey not just Round America with a Duck but also into the good food movement in general. 

Our time together was so fun that we had a follow-up conversation a week or two later from my Tiny Home at my final USA WWOOF location. I do most of the talking in the podcast, so I used that bonus conversation to ask her all the questions. I don’t have a podcast but maybe I’ll write an article about Lisa soon because she is fascinating and very, very funny. In the meantime, here’s Lisa’s interview with me: