Featured on the Growing Good podcast

I brushed off the dirt from my suburban garden and found a spot to talk that wasn’t too loud with birdsong and lawnmowers. Lisa Munniksma called from Wisconsin before leaving for Minnesota and then Alaska. She was the editor-in-chief at Urban Farm magazine when I wrote feature articles for them years ago. She has since been working…

Young inmates doing thyme in the prison garden

Life circles back on itself. Here’s an article I wrote for Juvenile Justice Information Exchange/Youth Today, published April 4, 2012, about reduced recidivism as a result of prison/jail gardening programs. I’m heading back to this area next week for my final farm workstay in the USA. I’m not sure I’ll get back to this Walton…

Cover Crops

I have pounds of them left, the cover crop seeds for legumes and grains and greens and deep-digging Daikon radishes. The plants they grow are not only beautiful but they also scavenge for nutrients, convert nitrogen from the air into a form usable by plants, build organic matter, aerate the soil, and improve soil tilth…

Cut-and-Come Again

This little raised bed, just 18 inches by 3 feet, has provided a full colander of organic leafy greens almost every day for the past two months (using the cut-and-come-again harvesting method where you take a leaf or two from the outside of every plant each time). That’s a weekly value of at least $25,…