Duck into an indie bookstore

That bookstore (Word) on the corner in Greenpoint, Brooklyn in front of which I left my BikeBloom earrings as part of #FreeArtFriday during my cross-country journey? Yep. The one (Boulder Bookstore) on pedestrian-only Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado? Yep. The one (The Last Bookstore) in Downtown Los Angeles with the famous tunnel of books? Yep.  My new…

Now available globally!

Round America with a Duck just went LIVE in all Amazon markets globally (additional book buying options coming soon, including indie bookstores). Read a sample and order your copy (in either ebook or paperback form) all over the world (links below). It is the FIRST book in the world about traveling the USA via bike, buses,…

I almost quit — and now here we are

I was digging up weeds, shaking out the soil from their roots, noticing the abundance of worms on this fertile piece of land that I call home, when the truck pulled up with my box of books. The driver put it in my outstretched arms and I felt the weight of it. These weren’t proofs…

March forth!

It’s March 4th — march forth! It’s my favorite day of the year. It’s the day for fanning that small little fire that manages somehow to stay alive in our hearts, despite the constant negativity around us telling us our dreams, our callings, are not reasonable or acceptable or even possible. This is your reminder that…

Cover Crops

I have pounds of them left, the cover crop seeds for legumes and grains and greens and deep-digging Daikon radishes. The plants they grow are not only beautiful but they also scavenge for nutrients, convert nitrogen from the air into a form usable by plants, build organic matter, aerate the soil, and improve soil tilth…

5 Things I Did to Prepare to WWOOF across the USA

Here are 2 minutes of tips from my last seven months of preparation, in case it is something which you are interested in doing as well (or whatever your goal is — just take the next step forward). I leave Monday for my 10,000-mile journey across the USA via bikes, buses, trains and WWOOFing on…

You Are Enough

So I bought a sweatshirt I saw on TikTok that I thought would be great to wear while traveling Round America with a Duck, specifically during the many bus and train trips. Lots of line-standing and midnight transfers ahead of me! Why not spread positive messages with people with whom I share space and time in…

Big Lessons

It wasn’t a big farm. It wasn’t a big stay. It was definitely not a big home where I lived while volunteering at a nonprofit garden 24-miles-by-bike away as the pilot-test for my cross-country journey titled ‘Round America with a Duck.  But big things happened, and I learned big lessons. I’m still processing it all, but…


It’s early morning and I miss my Tiny Home and morning yoga in the geodome (although I’m happy to be back with my hubby). I just returned from my two-week pilot test WWOOFING at a nonprofit farm 24 miles away by bike (yep, I rode there on my folding bike with a backpack). I’m drinking…